Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Ketika dua hal yang berbeda dibandingkan.
Yang satu berwarna merah, dan satunya lagi putih.
Bagaimana bisa?
Yang satunya merasa kurang putih, dan yang lainya tidak kenal merah.
Sungguh bodoh.
Tetapi hati yang menciut efeknya membutakan.
Mengais relung jiwa, menguras air mata.
Tercekik tangan sendiri? Mau sampai kapan? Sampai mati?
Friday, June 22, 2012
My Last 2 Days
Hello!!!Aaaaaaaah feel so bad for not posting anything in this several months. I thought i was that busy to share my story with you....i'm sorry....but now i'm FREE for 4 months until i start studying in London in October! Thanks God! I feel so excited every time i remember that great blessing which has sent for me :) I got that feeling, being the one who is chosen, and i take it as an honor.But actually i'm not really free.... because in this holiday i have a desire to do something for my self, my choice in fashion design, and Indonesia. I meant, anything. Yes, anything, but something. Then i'll take any chance to do it. For now, i'm designing new collection for Batik Nias, administering Campus Night (an event to celebrate Indonesia's independence day for all Indonesian students in Singapore) that will be held in Singapore in next September and trying to join some fashion design competitions. Then, one thing that boost me up, i challenge my self to be the one that really care and really want to know about Indonesia. Yes, anything about Indonesia. I don't know why, i just too in love with Indonesia, even i get a chance to study in Singapore for a year and will be a student in London in October. Still.....my heart belongs here, in Indonesia. So do not be surprised if sometimes i use Bahasa Indonesia in my blog. Proper Bahasa Indonesia is always a latest trend for me hahaha. Feel free to ask the meaning to fulfill your curiosity if you don't understand and i'll translate it with all my heart :D Don't worry, this time i'll never forget to share my stories and experiences with you. Because to keep updating my blog and share my experiences is also my deep desire. I enjoy writing as i enjoy reading. I know that what i have written in my blog, whoever read my blog, i know it will never stop here with me, it will never stop with you. Not for making me famous (but if yes....i really dont mind :$), but i just want you to know what i know.Now i'm having a mind that is chockablock with stories which i want to tell. Umm.... OK, maybe for today i will tell you my experience in this 2 days.I'll start with this great thing. Do you know Sansevieria? Sansevieria is a type of plant that is in foregone famous because it could be woven to be a cloth, musical instrument or paper. But today, world know it as a great ornamental plants, antiseptic, anti-cancer, and ANTI-POLLUTANT. NASA has proved it with their research which say that sansevieria could absorb 107 elements which are contained in air pollution. Isn't it great? As we all know that Indonesia is the third country in the world that has the highest air pollution level. I don't know how you feel, but i feel so bad about it. I got my ear hearing Indonesia is weeping, my eye seeing it's pining to be treated better and my hand can't stop trying to do something for it.My mom gives her love to flowers and plants as her hobby in gardening and when i knew about Sansevieria from her, i found that it is another easy way to repel the pollutant. And you know? Four of our Sansevierias won the National Sansevierias Competition yesterday in Pekan Flora Flori Nasional 2012 in some categories, clap hand and thank God! There are many type of Sansevieria and it is also easy to be treated. Feel moved to plant a sansevieria at home? Give me high five! I'll post some photos of our Sansevieria later, OK ;)Now....umm....as yesterday also my 11th monthversary with Mikhael, so until this second i still feel too in love to not posting anything about us. After taking the prize and the certificate in Pekan Flora Flori Nasional, me and Mikhael got our proper dinner in Roland's, a Germany restaurant in Medan. Yesterday was our first experience eating there and we weren't regret for choosing Roland's. But actually our monthversary is not about anything but us. We have passed so many things in this 11 months and the best part of it, we are together to pass it, Mike :$ He's the one who really care, the one who really understand. Nothing feels too bad to be true, nothing feels too difficult to be solved, and i feel could do all things when i stand here beside him. Oh! i <3 you! I have some photos of us celebrating our day and my today's outfit too. As always, i get my fashion updated as my knowledge also not less updated :)
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