Hello bloggers! It has been a while since the last time i wrote my blog actually. Couldn't explain anymore how i have been always wanting to write again but there were also so many things to do lately. So...... today i'm back with a sentimental topic, that is..... ♥LOVE
Mikhael Ketaren, a bold, forward-thinker, ingenious, perfectionist, smart, striking and unequivocal man. Sometimes he could be grumpy because of small stuff that pumps his impatience, but it's not that hard for him to appease too. He cares, he guides, he nurtures, he supports. We have been together for 5 months. Yeah, i know it is 'still' 5 months. But, since the beginning of our relationship, we have something which is strengthen us up : It's not about how much time you have spent together, it's about how well you have spent those times.
Here we are, counting the blessing and letting go of the past. Luxuriate in a genuine and kind love. Feeling good and secure side by side. Pass through the good times and the bad times, jump over the stepping stone and get into the higher level. When distance is not a problem anymore. Hold the fort and make efforts. Let this feeling grow bigger and rooted deeper. Stand up of sincere hope of time and togetherness.
No matter what the future brings, we are not afraid anymore as we believe we can handle and face it well.......as always. Sweet romance take part. We are the love birds, yes we are.